Welcome to confirmation in the Church of Norway

All 14-year-olds are invited to take part in confirmation in the Church of Norway. Read more about what confirmation and the confirmation preparations here.

Det er konfirmasjonsleir, ungdommer sitter i en ring og tenner telys i form av et kors.

Confirmation is an old tradition. In the Church of Norway, confirmation is a prayer of intercessions that confirms the promises God gave when you were baptised. In confirmation classes you learn how Christian faith is relevant to your life.

All 14-year-olds are invited to take part in confirmation in the Church of Norway. During this preparatory period with confirmation classes, you decide whether you wish to confirm your baptism.

Confirmation is for those who are baptised. Therefore, many young people, who wish to do so, are baptised during the confirmation period.

The word confirmation derives from the latin verb "confirmare", which means to strengthen, confirm, vindicate or “to make strong”.


Frequently asked questions about confirmation in the church

What is the difference between a catholic and a lutheran confirmation?

How do I register for confirmation in the church?

Do I have to be baptised in order to be confirmed?

Who decides if I can be confirmed?

What is the cost of confirmation?

Is there an age limit for confirmation?

What does one wear at the confirmation?

Do I need to wear a national costume or host a big celebration?

Who can I talk to about special needs for confirmation and the preparatory period?


More questions?

Contact the local congregation where you live. Contact information can be found by using the search link below.

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