Get married in the Church of Norway

Weddings are celebrations of love. Two people promise to love and honour one another, and to stay true to each other for better or for worse for the rest of their lives.

En prest som vier et brudepar

Love deserves a celebration! Welcome to the church for your big day. In a church wedding there is room for you and your love for one another. In a beautiful church room, with music and texts that move, you give the wow to love and honour eachother.

The two people are at the centre of the celebration, but they are not alone. Their mutual promises are given in the presence of witnesses.

You can choose a wedding with a grandiose celebration and lots of guests, or a minimalistic wedding in sneakers, with only best men and women and a priest present. Wedding is a great celebration of love anyway.

Frequently asked questions about wedding in Church of Norway

Who can get married in Church of Norway?

How can i book a wedding in the church?

What are the costs of getting married in the church?

Why get married in the church?

What happens in a wedding in Church of Norway?

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