Funeral in the Church of Norway

In a funeral we say goodbye to the person who has passed away. We give thanks for the life that was and surrender the departed to God.

Tre personer trøster hverandre ved graven

A funeral in the church is a worthy and meaningful way of saying farewell. A funeral is a opportunity to say goodbye, to give thanks for the life that has been, and to gather to mourn together.

The church provides a personal and valuable framework for the farewell, and is a safe space for those who are left behind in life.

Together, we leave the diseased in the hands of God. In the funeral words of remembrance, texts, prayers, music and hymns are shared. All of this gives witness to the Christian hope, that love is stronger than death.  

Believing in love that is stronger than death

Believing in love that is stronger than death is the basis for any funeral in the church. The Bible contains narratives of human life experiences, in sorrow and in joy, as well as philosophical passages about the diversity of life. Even if some passages are ancient, they may still be relevant to us in our time and age, and they may provide hope and consolation.

The Bible also describes the love of God, and talks of the hope for a new and better world. This gives the funeral ceremony a perspective beyond time and space. Find out more about faith in the resurrection further down.

Together we make the funeral a personal ceremony

A funeral service in the church aims at expressing gratitude for the life of the diseased, and gives hope and consolation for those who are left behind. In the memorial part of the ceremony different stories and memories  from the life of the diseased may be shared.

The funeral service is also a personal ceremony. There are many ways of making it personal, for instance by choosing texts, music and hymns. Read more about how you can make the ceremony personal.


Frequently asked questions about funeral in the Church of Norway

What is a funeral in the church?

Who can attend a funeral in the church?

What is the conduct at a funeral?

Who is planning the funeral?

What does a funeral in the church cost?

If I am left behind, who can I talk to in the church?

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